Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It’s funny the conversations you have in the wee small hours of the morning. Driving back from hospital along the freeway with my work partner we’ll sometimes find ourselves talking about the most bizarre things. Last night we discussed wind farms, the mighty Pavlova, roof guttering, ….oh and the guy who’d just tried to chop his man bits off with a knife because his previous attempt at dropping a television on it hadn’t quite achieved what he was after.

If you are confused by that, you are not alone. When the crew who just brought him to hospital told me the story, I had nothing but questions. Lots and lots of questions. The main one was why? But I have no answers for you, sorry.

Like me you will just have to settle for the Mount Everest explanation: Because it’s there.


caramaena said...

Dropping a television on it???

I'm dumbfounded.

Anonymous said...

As a man I have to ask the same question - why? and whince a lot!

Spike said...

I'm horrified but fascinated by the logistics of dropping a television on yer bits.