Thursday, April 27, 2006

Oh Boy

Me: So let me make sure I have the story correct; its 4.00 am, you have stayed up all night, you have just taken your normal prescribed amount of medication, just like it says to do on the box here, and you have called an ambulance because you are now feeling drowsy and tired. Is that correct?

Patient: yeah.

Me; Ok, so what do you actually take this medication for?

Patient: (looking at me like I'm an idiot) It’s a sleeping tablet… to help me sleep.


caramaena said...

Good grief!

Some people have no clue.

Steve said...

Good to see the idiots are the same the world over!

Rosey said...

What was your reply to this drongo?

rob said...

Rosey I think I looked at my partner, took a deep breath and explained that it was really not unheard of for people to become sleepy after taking that kind of tablet.