Sunday, September 17, 2006

Give me strength

Patient: Me foot hurts

Rob: How long have you had the plaster cast on it?

Patient: Free days

Rob: You broke your ankle?

Patient: Um.. I fink so.

Rob: think so?

Patient: Mate I don’t know – I don’ remember.

Rob: Have you been taking any pain relief medication for it?

Patient: Nah.

Rob: Any reason why not?

Patient: I haven’t got the script filled yet.

Rob: er...why not?

Patient: I dunno.

Rob: Has it been hurting since you broke it?

Patient: Yeah but it’s been getting worser.

Rob: Have you been walking on it?

Patient: Nuh

Rob: The bottom of the cast is pretty black and worn out, are you sure you haven’t been walking on it?

At this point Rob’s partner holds up a cigarette butt he’s just found stuck to the base of the patient’s plaster cast

Patient: Just down to the shops an’ that.

Rob: (Sigh)

Patient: It hurts

Rob: So you broke it 3 days ago, have been walking around on it and now it’s sore?

Patient: Yeah

Rob (getting frustrated): Any reason you didn’t get your prescription filled when you went down to the shops?

Patient: Um…I didn’t think about that...

Rob’s partner (getting frustrated): …but wasn’t your foot hurting?

Patient (getting frustrated): Yeah. Look mate, I wanna go to hospital.

Patient then walked out to the ambulance


caramaena said...

My brain hurts just reading that..,

Alison said...

Waving his health care card by any chance?

Spike said...

What Caramaena said.

Anonymous said...

That really made me laugh! Tom.

Anonymous said...

I had a call like that the other day. Some girl walking around and got tired of walking so she called us and made up some stupid story about how her foot was numb. The cop yelled at her for using the ambulance as a taxi, which was enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Obviously suffering from "FITH" syndrome

F..ked In The Head